July - is the time of vacations. But not for those on the frontline. Their days are soaked with blood and sweat. While we, in the rear, cannot dissolve into warm relaxation, forgetting about those to whom we owe this summer. Many of our wards now cover their needs on their own, without burdening us with additional requests. However, there are things that need to be delivered promptly, as they deplete on the front faster than they can be procured, and they are not easy to obtain. In short, our support remains incredibly crucial.
Thanks to your help in July, we managed to purchase and deliver to our defenders: two air dehumidifiers; a powerful EcoFlow charging station for the reconnaissance unit (the guys initially asked for mini sleeping bags, but we managed to fulfill that request through another means, and this one was the second priority, which we worked on); bought and equipped drone and spare batteries, which were funded by a kind-hearted person from Dnipro; purchased and delivered six drone batteries to keep our birds flying constantly; provided tactical gear for the scouts: backpacks, pouches, tactical headsets, hydration systems.
Simultaneously, Konstantin Sandalov, together with his friends and colleagues, tirelessly fulfills the requests of our wards, and we assist in delivering all this to the front. For July, it includes 6 BFPs, antennas, and signal amplifiers for drones, 5 plasmas, 4 monitors, 5 projectors, and other technological items.
As always, we are grateful to Nova Poshta Humanitarian for their timely and neat delivery of all our packages. Thanks to Volodymyr Anfimov and the donors of the "Інше інтерв'ю" podcast for their contribution to solving the tasks of July. Thanks to all the caring individuals who continue to support us and our defenders!
Currently, we have a fresh request for two dual-band antennas with signal amplifiers, each costing nearly 30,000. But the guys guarantee that these "birds" will fly further and more precisely with them, thus accomplishing more critical missions.